My type 2 Breakthrough Story
Hi, my name is Gena. I’ve been married for 20 years. Mother of 3. And a retired lecturer. Just recently I stumbled upon a research that has helped me stabilize my sugar levels and restored a healthy A1C. My sugar levels had never been this stable for years.
It feels like I am in my 30s once again.
I still remember in my 30s when I used to:
Have plenty of energy from sun up to sun down.
Maintained a healthy A1C even while living on pizzas, cakes and burgers.
Eat whatever I wanted… WHEN I wanted and not worry about spiking my blood sugar.
After Hitting 50, Things Started To Go Down The Hill
In 2016, I was found to have type 2.
I did not pay much attention in the beginning but then things started to get worse.
I worked out with my physician to find the right combination between exercise, diet and meds.
I have had a lifelong love affair with sugar, and I ate as much ice cream, candy, and carbohydrates as I wanted, despite knowing that I was diabetic and how that behavior would affect my blood glucose levels.
After all, I felt fine. I had been blessed with good health for most of my life. In hindsight, I guess I was trying to prove to myself that diabetes was not going to change anything.
Up until I had a ministroke in November 2021
To be honest, since then I always wanted to get out of this trap. I was tired of monitoring my sugar levels every now and then.
I Was Determined to Get the “Real Me” Back!
I tried everything, but all went in vein, like:
Following treatments recommended by experts.
Following extreme calorie-restrictive diets.
Cutting down on my carbs and sugary foods.
Increasing exercise to even taking supplements to help my pancreas and blood-sugar hormones.
I even tried some weird home remedies that a lady at my local health food store swore by. Like various concoctions in the kitchen, with pickle juice, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, lemons, bananas, and more…
All this was like a hole that was getting bigger.
Then about three months ago, I had a conversation with a friend in my gym group, James. He apparently tends to be a physician too.
A Breakthrough That Changed My Life
I told James about my situation and how I have been struggling with high blood sugar.
He calmly said to me in a lowered voice: “don’t worry Gena there’s nothing wrong about what you are eating or how much you are exercising.”
Then he said “Recently I attended a conference where I learned a 10-second ancestry test that you should try Gena.”
“It’s a bit unconventional, but it has great science research backing it up.”
I figured he was going to tell me about some “magical” supplement that he could prescribe to help me.
Boy, was I wrong….
He told me that my body was not letting excess sugar pass out. Until I get this corrected all my efforts would be wasted. (93% are unaware about this common root cause).
He further said watch this video and learn the simple eating habit that would reverse this instantly. Try it Tonight he further added.
“All of the details are right here.” Then he handed me a slip of paper with the website address on it.
I couldn’t even wait until I got home. So, I just pulled out my phone in the gym’s parking lot!
I had questions in my head, but my heart said “YES!!
This is MY Answer!” Needless to say, I followed my heart….
The Simple Eating Habit That Helped Me Slashed 90 Points Of High Blood Sugar
I started to watch this short video and performed the 10-sec ancestry test on myself. To my surprise, what James told me was indeed the case.
It also shared a unique process that I implemented instantly after watching the video..
And it literally restored my A1C to a healthy level.
The next morning I woke up and checked my glucose reading, to my surprise my sugar levels were never that steady.
I had not felt so good and energetic for years like this..
At first I was skeptical, but thank God I gave it a try.
I never imagined following this simple eating habit would balance my blood sugar levels and help me get into the best shape of my life.
What’s even better is I can now eat the food I love without any hesitation.. pizza , pasta, ice cream
Other things I’ve also noticed since I started doing it is…
– My energy level has SKYROCKETED. 59 feels more like 35 these day if you ask me!
– I have a satisfied feeling after meals and don’t crave snacks all day.
– But, I’m actually eating MORE of my favorite food and snacks, all guilt-free!
– My blood sugar levels are better, even though, I’m eating more sweets. Who would have thought?
– I sleep more soundly these days, waking up refreshed and energized for the day.
Lately, I was getting a lot of questions from friends and family about my journey, so I decided to put up my story with a link to the video.
Tap below to watch the video that helped me restored perfect sugar levels. (Clogged Sugar Drain Opened)